Well by now you have probably gotten the sense that I
don't check my blog/post very often.... Between school and other activities I have found it hard to find time to post. As for my last post, there will be no
water cooling post as I was unable to obtain the funding necessary to purchase all of the requires supplies. I feel that I have not been very organized or devoted to this blog and will try to update it more often.
Now as far as updates on what
Ive been up do, I have recently
gotten back together with the Summer Engineering group and we are currently building a Mini electric go kart for this summers project. Our goals are to make it weigh 50 pounds or less and be easy to use etc. So far we have built the frame out of 1/8
th inch
aluminum sheet that has been water-jetted and are now moving onto the wiring stage (my department!). I will post pictures this weekend and will try to update you guys on the project as it progresses.
As for my
DJing, I have slowly been building up my arsenal of lights and
equipment. I post a new mix every few months and try to snag any gig I can get. I have now moved on to playing more
Dubstep than Hardcore as people are more accepting of that type of electronic music. If you would like to listen to my mixes or want to like my artist page please visit
www.facebook.com/audioinfection. There you will find links to my mixes/more info.
I also recently purchased my first laptop. It is an
Asus G73SW and a beast of a laptop if I do say so myself. It gets the job done wonderfully and can run
SolidWorks and high end games like a breeze. I will post more info soon. Another update computer wise is the new wiring in the desktop PC. I got sick of seeing the semi organized cables and decided to modify the case a little bit to
accommodate the massive
amount of wires. It now has a very clean look and I look forward to redoing the
water cooling loop.
As I final note I just want to say thanks for all the loyal followers. I know that I have not been as dedicated as you have and would like to try and change that. Thanks for your support and I hope to keep updating this blog!