In the 10 gallon on the left there are two neon's, and a plecostomus catfish. In the 10 gallon on the right there are three adult guppies (two females one male), sevin six week old baby guppies, twelve four week old baby guppies, ten 2 week old baby guppies, one HUGE 5 inch plecostomus catfish, one two-inch long ghost shrimp, and two zebra fish.
The New Tank
The 55 gallon features: two Penguin 330 filters by Marineland, one Visi-Therm Stealth Heater 200W by Marineland, one Whisperer 60 air pump by Tetra Tech, real drift wood, real rocks, live plants, three airstones, and one DIY CO2 diffuser. Later I plan on upgrading the filters to one Ehime canister filter, a T5 overhead 48" lighting system, and maby starting a saltwater tank.
The fish include: two blue gouramis, four tiger barbs, one plecostomus catfish, and two bala sharks. Fish wise, I plan on adding a cobalt blue lobster, and more gouramis.
Stay tuned for more pictures and fish updates!
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